Hostile Domain/Subdomain takeover
Domain takeover
If you discover some domain (domain.tld) that is being used by some service inside the scope but the company has lost the ownership of it, you can try to register it (if cheap enough) and let know the company. If this domain is receiving some sensitive information like a sessions cookie via GET parameter or in the Referral header, this is for sure a vulnerability.
Subdomain takeover
A subdomain of the company is pointing to a third-party service with a name not registered. If you can create an account in this third party service and register the name being in use, you can perform the subdomain take over.
There are several tools with dictionaries to check for possible takeovers:
Exploiting a Subdomain takeover
Note: Some risks are mitigated implicitly by the cloud provider. For instance, when subdomain takeover is possible on Amazon CloudFront, there is no way you can set up TXT records to bypass SPF checks. The post, therefore, aims to provide risks on general subdomain takeover. Nevertheless, most of these apply to cloud providers as well.
Transparency To a Browser
To start off, let's look at DNS resolution where CNAME is involved:
Note that step #7 requests rather than That is because the web browser is not aware that even exist. Even though CNAME record is used, the URL bar in the browser still contains This is the transparency for the browser. If you think about that, the browser places all the trust in the DNS resolver to provide accurate information about the domain. Simplified, subdomain takeover is a DNS spoofing for one particular domain across the Internet. Why? Because any browser performing the DNS resolution on affected domain receives A record set by an attacker. The browser then happily shows whatever is received from this server (thinking that is legitimate).
Indeed, the domain name itself place a significant role in a successful campaign. Having 5th level subdomain vulnerable to subdomain takeover is much less "legit" that having a 2nd level subdomain with some friendly subdomain name. I saw several instances of perfect subdomains for phishing, including:
All of them vulnerable to subdomain takeover. All of them were big brands. Talking about perfect phishing?
SSL Certificates
That is, if there is a specific content placed on a specific URL path, Let's Encrypt will approve the issuance of a certificate for a given domain. Since an attacker has full control over the content of the domain which is vulnerable to subdomain takeover, this verification can be done in a matter of minutes. Therefore attackers are also able to generate SSL certificate for such domain which only lowers the suspicion of a phishing attack.
Cookie Stealing
If this cookie is issued by web server residing on, only this server can access this cookie later on. However, the cookie can be issued for wildcard domain (for the reasons explained above) in the following manner:
The cookie will be included in HTTP requests to but also to any other subdomain such as This behavior creates a possibility of high severity attacks using subdomain takeover. Suppose that some particular domain is using session cookies for wildcard domain. If there is one subdomain vulnerable to subdomain takeover, the only thing for gathering user’s session token is to trick him or her into visiting the vulnerable subdomain. The session cookie is automatically sent with the HTTP request.
The browser also implements additional security mechanisms for cookies:
HttpOnly cookie — Cookies can by default be accessed by Javascript code running in the context of the website which created the cookies. Javascript can read, update, and delete the cookies. HttpOnly cookie flag (set by the web server) indicates that the particular cookie cannot be accessed by Javascript code. The only way to get it is through HTTP request and response headers.
Secure cookie — When the cookie has the Secure flag set by the web server, it can be communicated back to the web server only if HTTPS is used.
If the domain is vulnerable to subdomain takeover, an attacker can gather cookies issued by that domain in the past just by tricking users into visiting that website. HttpOnly and Secure flags don't help since the cookie is not being accessed using Javascript and SSL certificate can be easily generated for the taken domain.
The behavior explained above is not limited to cookies. Since Javascript scripts have full control over the websites, they are run on, having ability to replace such scripts on the legitimate website might lead to catastrophic consequences. Suppose that website is using Javascript code from the external provider using script tag and src attribute. When the domain of external provider expires, the browser fails silently, i.e., it doesn't trigger any alerts visible to regular users. If the external code is not doing any important stuff (e.g., it is used only for tracking) such external provider might stay on the website for an extended period. An attacker can take over this expired domain, match the URL path of provided Javascript code and thus gain control over every visitor that visits the original website.
When CNAME subdomain takeover is possible, MX records can be set up by an attacker to an arbitrary web server as well. It allows receiving e-mails to a legitimate subdomain of some brand - particularly useful again in (spear) phishing attacks where interaction between an attacker and victim is necessary. Attackers usually spoof Return-Path
header to receive a reply to the e-mail. With correct MX records, this problem is bypassed.
On the other side, sending e-mails is also possible. Although it is trivial to spoof From
header to include any e-mail addresses, SPF filters are usually checking Return-Path
header and allowed mail-sending hosts for the domain. SPF stores configuration in DNS TXT records. With subdomain takeover, TXT records are in control of attacker too - SPF checks can be passed easily.
As I noted in the beginning, these tactics usually don't work with majority of cloud providers since you don't have control over DNS zone directly.
Higher Order Risks
The concept of subdomain takeover can be naturally extended to NS records: If the base domain of at least one NS record is available for registration, the source domain name is vulnerable to subdomain takeover.
One of the problems in subdomain takeover using NS record is that the source domain name usually has multiple NS records. Multiple NS records are used for redundancy and load balancing. The nameserver is chosen randomly before DNS resolution. Suppose that the domain has two NS records: and If an attacker takes over the, the situation from perspective of the user who queries looks as follows:
Since there are two nameservers, one is randomly chosen. This means the probability of querying nameserver controlled by an attacker is 50%.
If user's DNS resolver chooses (legitimate nameserver), the correct result is returned and likely being cached somewhere between 6 and 24 hours.
If user's DNS resolver chooses (nameserver owned by an attacker), an attacker might provide a false result which will also be cached. Since an attacker is in control of nameserver, she can set TTL for this particular result to be for example one week.
The process above is repeated every time the cache entry expires. When an attacker chooses to use TTL with high value, the false result will stay in DNS cache for that period. During this time, all requests to will use false DNS result cached by an attacker. This idea is even amplified when public DNS resolvers (e.g., Google DNS) are used. In this case, public resolvers are likely to cache the false results which means that all users using the same DNS resolver will obtain false results until the cache is revoked.
In addition to control over the source domain name, control over all higher-level domains of source domain name is gained as well. That is because owning a canonical domain name of NS record means owning the full DNS zone of the source domain name.
The mitigation strategies for domain names already vulnerable to subdomain takeover are rather straightforward:
Remove the affected DNS record — The simplest solution is to remove the affected record from the DNS zone. This step is usually used if the organization determines that the affected source domain name is no longer needed.
Claim the domain name — This means registering the resource in particular cloud provider or a case of a regular Internet domain, repurchasing the expired domain.
Mitigation strategy for cloud providers should be considered as well. Cloud services are not verifying the domain ownership. The reason behind this is primarily convenience. Cloud provider is not introducing any vulnerability by not verifying ownership of a source domain name. It is therefore up to the user to monitor its DNS records. Another reason is, that when cloud resource is removed, the user is usually no longer a customer of that service. The question cloud providers then ask themselves is: Why should we even care?
Until next time!
Last updated